As a homeowner, it’s important to know how often to replace furnace filter. Depending on the type of filter you have, you will need to replace it every 1-6 months. A dirty or clogged filter can reduce your system’s efficiency and lead to higher energy bills. By knowing when to replace your furnace filter, you can help ensure that your system is running at its best.
Have you ever noticed how great it feels to breathe clean, filtered air? When your home’s ventilation system is working properly and filtering out dirt particles from the room’s interior environment with its powerful purification abilities; not only does this make for a healthier living space but also helps cut down on costly repairs.
As an added bonus: changing filters every month can save homeowners up 3-4 thousand dollars over three years! Here are some guidelines for changing your furnace filter.
Have allergies?
Allergies can be a nuisance for anyone, but for people with asthma or other respiratory problems, they can be serious and even life-threatening. One of the best ways to help keep your lungs healthy is to replace your furnace filter regularly, especially if you have allergies. A dirty filter will not only make your home less comfortable, it will also aggravate your allergies. By replacing your furnace filter every month or two, you can help keep your air clean and your allergies under control.
Have a vacation home?
If you own a vacation home, you’ll want to make sure that your furnace filter is in good condition before you leave for your trip. A dirty filter can cause the furnace to work harder and may lead to overheating. Replacing the filter is a quick and easy way to ensure that your furnace will run smoothly while you’re away.
Have a pet?
It’s no secret that keeping your furnace filter clean is important for the health and efficiency of your system. But did you know that if you have a pet, it’s even more crucial to change your filter regularly? Pets can shed hair and dander, which can easily clog up a filter and lead to problems with your furnace. Make sure to replace your filter every month or two (more often if you have a particularly hairy pet) to keep things running smoothly. Happy heating!
How big is your home?
Is your furnace filter clogged and dirty? If you have a big home, it might be time to replace it. When it comes to furnace filters, one size definitely doesn’t fit all. If you have a small home, a standard filter will do the job. But if you have a big home, you need to replace your filter more often to ensure optimal air quality.
Frequently Open Windows and Doors
Do you frequently open windows and doors to get fresh air in your home? If so, it’s important to replace your furnace filter more often than the average person. Why? Because all of that extra airflow can dirt and dust up your filter faster, which will reduce the efficiency of your furnace and could lead to higher energy costs. Replacing your filter on a regular basis is an easy way to help keep your home comfortable and save money on heating bills. So be sure to check your filter schedule and replace those filters when they need it!
Have smokers?
It is no secret that smoking can be harmful to a person’s health, but what may come as a surprise to some is the fact that smoking also has a negative impact on home furnishings and appliances. In particular, smokers can cause serious damage to furnace filters. If you are a smoker, it is important to replace your furnace filter more often than non-smokers in order to protect your appliance and ensure optimal performance. Regular filter replacement will help keep your furnace running at its best and extend the life of the unit.